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Promoviendo la atención cardíaca con compasión y experiencia

Baylor Scott & White Cardiac Surgery Specialists brinda atención cardíaca y vascular de calidad y, al mismo tiempo, es pionera en muchas técnicas innovadoras que revolucionan la atención cardíaca en el norte de Texas. Nuestras avanzadas herramientas de diagnóstico, tratamientos y programas educativos nos permiten brindar atención cardiovascular y torácica completa e innovadora.

Baylor Scott & White Cardiac Surgery Specialists se considera uno de los mejores programas de cirugía cardíaca del país en un entorno de práctica. Un porcentaje significativo de las cirugías cardíacas realizadas por nuestros especialistas en el norte de Texas se realizarán sin bomba, lo que requerirá menos sangre y permitirá a los pacientes experimentar una reducción del tiempo que pasan en un tubo de respiración y estadías hospitalarias más cortas. Nuestros especialistas cardíacos mantienen privilegios en varios hospitales dentro de la comunidad del norte de Texas para la comodidad de sus pacientes.

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Seguros aceptados

Baylor Scott & White ha establecido acuerdos con varios tipos de seguros para garantizar que sus necesidades de salud estén cubiertas.

Las listas de seguros están sujetas a cambios sin previo aviso. Llame al hospital o al plan de salud para verificar la información de cobertura antes de programar su visita/procedimiento.
By searching you agree to these terms
  • Atención médica de TriWest - (1)
    Red de Atención Comunitaria
  • Atención médica unida - (24)
    Navegar Equilibrado
    Elección Plus
    Todos los ahorradores
    Núcleo esencial
    Ventaja de medicare del grupo unitedhealthcare (ppo)
    Más seguro
    Nexus ACO - Acceso Abierto
    Seleccione más
    Navegar más
    Plan AARP Medicare Advantage SecureHorizons 2 (HMO-POS)
    Plan AARP Medicare Advantage SecureHorizons 1 (HMO-POS)
    Carta equilibrada
    Nexus ACO - Referencia requerida
    Aarp Medicare Advantage Patriot (HMO-POS)
    Elección de ventaja de medicare aarp (ppo)
    UnitedHealthcare Medicare Advantage Choice (PPO regional)
    Ventaja de medicare aarp walgreens (ppo)
  • Blue Cross Blue Shield - (23)
    Red de alto rendimiento
    Blue cross medicare Advantage dual care plus (hmo snp)
    TRS-ActiveCare Primario+
    Elección azul
    Trs-activecare 2
    Ventaja Azul Plus - Plata
    Grupo Blue Cross Medicare Advantage (PPO)
    Opción Federal Básica
    Acceso Azul Premier
    Ventaja de medicare de cruz azul (hmo)
    Opción estándar federal
    Ventaja azul - Oro
    Estándar TRS-Care
    HealthSelect dirigida al consumidor
    Ventaja azul - Bronce
    Esenciales azules
    Acceso a Blue Essentials
    HD primaria TRS-ActiveCare
    TRS-ActiveCare Primario
    Ventaja Azul Plus - Bronce
    Foco Azul FEP Federal
    Ventaja Azul Plus - Oro
  • Cigna - (9)
    Dentro de la red LocalPlus
    Acceso abierto
    Fondo de elección
    Ventaja de Cigna Medicare
    Cigna HealthSpring
    Acceso abierto al punto de servicio
    Open Access Plus dentro de la red
    Acceso abierto plus
  • DFW ConnectedCare - (1)
    Plan de beneficios para empleados de American Airlines
  • EHN-(1)
    Red de Salud de los Empleadores
  • Etna - (23)
    Solo red de salud
    Plan Aetna Medicare Eagle (PPO)
    Plan Libertad de Medicare de Aetna (PPO)
    Opción POS II
    Plan Aetna Medicare Choice II (PPO)
    Plan económico de Aetna Medicare (HMO)
    Aetna medicare eagle ii (ppo)
    Opción Red de Salud
    Plan de elección de Medicare de Aetna (PPO)
    Opción abierta ppo
    Selección de acceso abierto
    Elección administrada de acceso abierto
    Opción de elección de acceso abierto
    Plan completo dual de Aetna Medicare (HMO D-SNP)
    Administradores de firmas de Aetna
    Medicare PPO para jubilados grupales: limitado a Exxon/Mobil
    Elección gestionada
    Plan Preferido Libertad de Aetna Medicare (PPO)
    Plan Aetna Medicare Prime (HMO)
  • HealthSmart - (2)
    Red ACCEL
    Red preferida
  • Humana - (10)
    Cuidado de la elección
    Preferido por Humana
    Humana gold plus (hmo)
    Elección Humana Gold (PFFS)
    TPV Nacional
    Opción Humana (PPO)
    Honor Humano (PPO)
    HumanaChoice (PPO regional)
    Honor de Humana USAA con Rx (PPO)
  • Imagined Health - (1)
    Red de salud Imagine
  • Mercado de muebles de Nebraska - (3)
  • Parkland Community Health - (2)
    ESTRELLA - Salud Primero
  • PHCS Network - (1)
    PPO primario de PHCS
  • Plan de salud Baylor Scott & White - (6)
    PPO extendido BSW
    Grupo BSW Plus HMO
    2023 Red de empleados de BSW (SEQA y EQA)
    BSW Preferred HMO - Mercado individual
    BSW Plus HMO-Individual/Familia
    Grupo BSW Premier HMO
  • Planes de salud FirstCare - (1)
  • Primera salud/Coventry - (1)
    Primera red de salud/Coventry
  • Superior Health Plan - (1)
  • Superior Health Plan - (5)
    Ambetter Core EPO - Oro
    Ambetter Core EPO - Plata
    Wellcare de Allwell
    Bien cuidado
    Ambetter Core EPO - Bronce
  • Ventaja de salud estadounidense de Texas - (1)
    American Health Advantage de Texas HMO I-SNP
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Cardiac surgery services

Some of the heart problems we treat include:

Some of the heart procedures we perform include:

  • Aortic aneurysm repair
  • Heart valve repair or replacement
  • Endarterectomía carotídea
  • Coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery
  • Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy resection
  • MitraClip mitral valve repair
  • Reparación y reemplazo de válvula mitral.
  • Thoracic aneurysm repair
  • Total thoracoscopic MAZE procedure

Pagar la factura

Baylor Scott & White Health se complace en ofrecerle múltiples opciones para pagar su factura. Vea nuestra guía para comprender su estado de cuenta de Baylor Scott & White.

Ofrecemos dos opciones de pago en línea:

Otras opciones de pago:

  • Pago por correo

    Para asegurarse de que su pago se aplique correctamente a su cuenta, separe el comprobante de su estado de cuenta de Baylor Scott & White y devuélvalo con su pago. Si paga con cheque o giro postal, incluya su número de cuenta en el cheque o giro postal.

    Envíe el pago por correo a la dirección que figura en su estado de cuenta.

  • Pagar por teléfono

    Payments to HTPN can be made over the phone with our automated phone payment system 24 hours a day, seven days a week. All payments made via the automated phone payment system will post the next business day. Please call 1.866.377.1650.

    If you need to speak to someone about a bill from a Baylor Scott & White Hospital, our Customer Service department is available to take payments over the phone from Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM and can be reached at 1.800.994.0371.

  • Pagar en persona

    Los pagos se pueden hacer en persona en el centro donde recibió los servicios.

Asistencia financiera

En Baylor Scott & White Health, queremos ser un recurso para usted y su familia. Nuestro equipo de representantes de servicio al cliente y asesores financieros están aquí para ayudarlo a encontrar soluciones financieras que puedan ayudar a cubrir el costo de su atención. Lo alentamos a que hable con un miembro del equipo antes, durante o después de recibir la atención.

Ver opciones de asistencia financiera

El móvil lo hace fácil
Al igual que facilitamos la atención cuando su hijo está enfermo o lesionado, nuestra aplicación mejor calificada, MyBSWHealth, puede simplificar el mantenimiento de su salud. La aplicación le permite programar citas, enviar mensajes a su pediatra, ver los registros médicos de su hijo y programar atención virtual el mismo día desde su computadora, teléfono inteligente o tableta.
Aplicación myBSWHealth mostrada en un teléfono
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Formularios para pacientes

Para garantizar que su visita a nuestra oficina sea lo más conveniente y eficiente posible, nos complace ofrecer nuestros formularios de registro en línea. El formulario de registro del paciente puede completarse electrónicamente e imprimirse para una mejor legibilidad o completarse manualmente.

Más información


Preparándose para su cita

Antes de su cita

Depending upon the reason for your doctor’s visit, this checklist can help you prepare.

  • Reúna documentos para llevar a la consulta con su médico:
  • Copies of any test reports, including discs/CD’s of any Cardiac Cath, CTA, Echo, etc.; X-rays; and medical histories relating to your medical problem.
  • Cuestionario de historial médico completado.
  • Una lista de todos los medicamentos actuales que se toman de forma regular, incluidos los medicamentos de venta libre y herbales.
  • Revise las instrucciones especiales de su médico sobre las restricciones de dieta o medicamentos antes de su cita.
  • Pide a tus amigos o familiares que te acompañen si lo deseas. Dependiendo del tipo de cita que tenga, es posible que necesite que alguien lo lleve a su casa.
  • Trae un suéter o abrigo. Nuestros edificios se mantienen frescos para proteger y garantizar el funcionamiento adecuado de los equipos médicos.
Durante su cita

Qué esperar después de su cita:

  • Si necesita ver a otro médico, haremos todo lo posible para programar pruebas y consultas adicionales lo antes posible.
  • Si necesita ser hospitalizado, coordinaremos los arreglos de admisión y le proporcionaremos información al hospital antes de su llegada.

Para aprovechar al máximo su cita, asegúrese de hacerle a su médico cualquier pregunta o expresarle cualquier inquietud que tenga.

Not sure what to ask? Find suggestions.

About Your Symptoms Or Diagnosis

  • What is the disease or condition?
  • How serious is my disease or condition and how will it affect my home and work life?
  • What is the short-term and long-term prognosis for my disease or condition?
  • What caused the disease or condition?
  • Is there more than one disease or condition that could be causing my symptoms?
  • Should I be tested for a certain disease or condition?
  • What symptoms should I watch for?
  • How can I be tested for a disease or condition, and what will these tests tell me?
  • What tests will be involved in diagnosing my disease or condition?
  • How safe and accurate are the tests?
  • When will I know the test’s results?
  • Will I need more medical tests?
  • Do I need a follow-up visit and if so, when?
  • Do I need to take precautions to avoid infecting others?
  • How is the disease or condition treated?

About Your Treatment

  • What are my treatment options?
  • How long will the treatment take?
  • What is the cost of the treatment?
  • Which treatment is most common for my disease or condition?
  • Is there a generic form of my treatment and is it as effective?
  • What side effects can I expect?
  • What risks and benefits are associated with the treatment?
  • What would happen if I didn’t have any treatment?
  • What would happen if I delay my treatment?
  • Is there anything I should avoid during treatment
  • What should I do if I have side effects?
  • How will I know if the medication is working?
  • What would I do if I miss a dose of medication?
  • Will my job or lifestyle be affected?
  • What is my short-term and long-term prognosis?

If You Need Surgery

  • Why do I need surgery?
  • What surgical procedure are you recommending?
  • Is there more than one way of performing this surgery?
  • Are there alternatives to surgery?
  • How much will surgery cost?
  • What are the benefits of having surgery?
  • What are the risks of having surgery?
  • What if I don’t have this surgery?
  • Where can I get a second opinion?
  • What kind of anesthesia will I need?
  • How long will it take me to recover?
  • What are your qualifications?
  • How much experience do you have performing this surgery?
  • How long will I be in the hospital?

Investigación y ensayos clínicos


Dissection trial

William Brinkman, MD, Principal Investigator

Sponsored by Medtronic, the purpose of this study is to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of the Valiant Thoracic Stent Graft System in the treatment of acute, complicated Type B aortic dissections (a tear in the lining of the aorta) in the section of the aorta that lies in the chest. The OPTION Trial—David O. Moore, MD, and Lonnie Ginn, PA, Principal Investigators icon for option trial

For many patients, clinical research offers early access to emerging therapies and advanced technology. The staff and physicians at Baylor Scott & White Cardiac Surgery Specialists are committed to delivering improved cardiovascular medical care through new and innovative therapies.

Our physicians participate in important national and international clinical trials and embrace every opportunity to provide patients with advanced drug and treatment options.  Our goal is to offer a variety of clinical trials that are broad enough to afford every patient the opportunity to access today’s medical breakthroughs as they occur.

Option study

(Optimal Improvement of Vein Graft Patency Long Term by the Implementation Of Novel Endoscopic Harvesting Techniques)

This investigator-initiated trial designed to evaluate the equivalence of minimally invasive endoscopic vessel harvesting (EVH) in coronary artery bypass graft surgery (CABG) compared with historical data for open vein harvesting. The study standardizes a number of important factors to optimize the procedure and to improve outcomes.

For many patients, clinical research offers early access to emerging therapies and advanced technology. The staff and physicians at Baylor Scott & White Cardiac Surgery Specialists are committed to delivering improved cardiovascular medical care through new and innovative therapies.

Our physicians participate in important national and international clinical trials and embrace every opportunity to provide patients with advanced drug and treatment options. Our goal is to offer a variety of clinical trials that are broad enough to afford every patient the opportunity to access today’s medical breakthroughs as they occur.


Sega trial

William Brinkman, MD, Principal Investigator icon for sega trial

The purpose of this investigator-initiated study is to identify differences in gene expression in patients with bicuspid and tricuspid aortic valve disease with and without dilation of the ascending aorta. Pivotal Study of the safety and effectiveness of autologous bone marrow aspirate concentrate (BMAC) for the treatment of critical limb ischemia due to peripheral arterial occlusive disease This pivotal study, sponsored by Harvest Technologies, is designed to show the safety and effectiveness of an investigational treatment for critical limb ischemia. The investigational treatment involves removing stem cells from the patient’s own bone marrow and injecting them into the leg to possibly improve blood flow.

For many patients, clinical research offers early access to emerging therapies and advanced technology. The staff and physicians at Baylor Scott & White Cardiac Surgery Specialists are committed to delivering improved cardiovascular medical care through new and innovative therapies.

Our physicians participate in important national and international clinical trials and embrace every opportunity to provide patients with advanced drug and treatment options.  Our goal is to offer a variety of clinical trials that are broad enough to afford every patient the opportunity to access today’s medical breakthroughs as they occur.

Improve trial

William Brinkman, MD, Principal Investigator

The primary aim of this data collection is a three-way comparison of the Maquet Minimal Extra-Corporeal Circulation (M.E.C.C.) System, the conventional heart-lung machine, and off-pump surgery in the setting of coronary artery bypass grafting. We are offering a new, less invasive cardiopulmonary bypass option to our patients. Additionally, we will be using advanced genomic mapping to evaluate our patients, which will offer the possibility of identifying numerous genetic markers in the blood that may help us better understand changes during open heart surgery.

For many patients, clinical research offers early access to emerging therapies and advanced technology. The staff and physicians at Baylor Scott & White Cardiac Surgery Specialists are committed to delivering improved cardiovascular medical care through new and innovative therapies.

Our physicians participate in important national and international clinical trials and embrace every opportunity to provide patients with advanced drug and treatment options.  Our goal is to offer a variety of clinical trials that are broad enough to afford every patient the opportunity to access today’s medical breakthroughs as they occur.